Wanted: New Topics!

Have you ever gone "Ooh, I remember a time when..."? I did, and I decided to create this blog.

However, I would like to be reminded or made aware of other events / topics in Combat Arms' history that I may have forgotten (ie, haven't featured in the blog yet).

It may be the case that I have covered all the major aspects so far in CA's lifetime but it's always good to get another opinion.

I've created a forum thread about the blog here:




  1. Ooh yes new idea!! The Super Spy used to have only 4 rockets!!

  2. Forgot about about that bug. Never experienced it, but I remember reading about it and seeing a video on YouTube.

  3. Sound Filters removed in 2015 (CONCERT_HALL Environment) | That you usually hear in Quarantine Regen (Overdose & HellGate) from your team mates saying "Planting A Mine!" similar to when you talk in the bathroom


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